Our Speakers
KWXC 88.9 FM

Alan Wright
Alan and Anne, his wife of 27 years, are the parents of Bennett (18) and Abigail (14). They make their home in Winston-Salem, NC where Alan has served as Sr. Pastor of the historic and dynamic Reynolda Church (EPC) for seventeen years. Alan loves golf, piano and still going on dates with Anne. Anne, a former teacher, home educates Abigail and leads the Reynolda Church weekly women’s Bible study Awakenings. Bennett, a golfer and debater, is a bio-medical engineering student at Baylor University. Abby is a dancer and horseback rider.
Alan was always devoted to sharpening his mind (Phi Beta Kappa from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill and valedictorian of his Columbia Theological Seminary class), but his heart was touched by the Spirit in deep and profound ways in 1993. That touch of grace began a healing journey in which Alan discovered how the love of God mends the emptiness left from a broken home. Since 1997, Alan has authored four books, Free Yourself, Be Yourself (formerly entitled Shame Off You), A Childlike Heart, Lover of My Soul, and God Moments. In addition to his pastoral leadership and weekly preaching, Pastor Wright also serves as President of Sharing the Light Ministries which produces the national radio broadcast “Sharing the Light with Alan Wright” heard on 400 stations across America and sponsors conferences nationally and internationally. In proclaiming a bold, unmixed message of grace, Alan begins every sermon with a question: “Are you ready for some good news?” and ends with the declaration, “And that’s the Gospel!”